Friends Forever!

Friends Forever!
Remigijus concentrating on his friendship bracelet

Friday, June 26, 2009

I scream! You scream! We all scream for ice cream!!

Emilija writing...

We didn't have to go to the center yesterday, so the kids were really excited to see us today. Because it was going to be one of our last days here, we wanted to plan extra special activities for them. We decided that it would be really fun to make home-made ice cream, which we could freeze and eat later. We bought milk, sugar, and vanilla sugar (they don't have vanilla extract here), and let the kids mix it all together to their liking. We put the soon-to-be ice cream in little cups, put it in the freezer, and went on to start our next activity.

Beforehand, we had organized a scavenger hunt list, which ranged from running to the soccer field, making little popsicle stick houses, running around the center acting like birds, and taking pictures of a stork's nest. The kids LOVED it! They were free to run around, be wild, and just have a lot of fun. Even the kids who normally don't participate with us were just as into it as the others.

Aurimas, one of the older kids, decided to show us how to make bee's wax candles. We really enjoyed that some of the kids helped us make them and even made some for us. All three of us probably made about 5 candles, not including the ones that were given to us. Not only are the candles cute, but they're also fun and easy to make.

After eating our usual lunch, we brought out the ice cream that we had made earlier in the day. It had not frozen all the way, and kinda just looked like soup. The ice cream had turned out too sweet, but most of the kids finished off what they were given anyways.

As we were washing the dishes in the kitchen, Remigijus thought that it would be funny to start squirting us with a spray bottle. It quickly escalated into a water fight, ending with us all being soaking wet. (After a long hot day, we just couldn't resist getting him back.)

After we came home from the center, we decided to go to our host family's garden and pick some fresh strawberries. There were rows and rows of beautiful strawberries and we picked about 2 buckets full of them (there probably would have been more, but we ate a lot while we picked). As we were picking the strawberries, Silvija stopped by and took us to see a dam. Even though the dam was gorgeous, we couldn't spend a lot of time there because it was getting late. I think we might have lost track of the time because the sun set A LOT later here (it could be 11 p.m., but it feels like 7). When we got back, we went straight to bed because we're going to have to get up early tomorrow.

We're sad because tomorrow is our last full day here, and we really don't want to leave yet. Labanaktis!

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